Recently, my thoughts have been with my mother and my siblings as we work through the process of my Mother trying to pass away. She is still with us, but we have been told now for a week that "she has 2 hours", "won't make it through the day", "we have only days possibly hours". It is hard watching her diminish before our eyes. She is so thin and weak. Because she lives near me and I have cared for her continously since she moved down here over 3 years ago, my brothers and sister have individually come to visit to spend time with her this past week.
Mom has been suffering from severe dementia-Alzheimer disease and has been in skilled nursing for almost 2 years. She has now lost the ability to swallow and to know she needs to eat. She also smoked for 45 years and has emphesema and COPD. She quit smoking 20 years ago, but the damage was done. She has even been on full time oxygen for the last couple of years. The day I was called with the news they were taking her to the hospital, I was reminded of God's plan and that what she and I are experiencing, is the process of life. It is wonderful to have God in my life and how He guides me to feel His promptings with His spirit. Song lyrics I hear that brings home the love He has for us that I have listened to recently. It is amazing. I wanted to share a scripture that I actually looked up and saw printed on the back window of the van parked in front of me in the parking lot. "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding" (Proverbs 3:5 KJV). This has become my new favorite scripture and is providing me strength right now. Isn't God good?? Out of the whole parking lot of Costco, this van parked in front of me...God knew I needed to see that.