I was browsing through my small stash of Ellen Clappsaddle postcards and came upon this little beauty to share...I know I am past the day, but wanted to just pause on this little beauty of nostalgia.
I'm sorry I have not been more available to blog...what can I say, my life these past few months have been so different. The experiences that I have had to go through are some in life I never wanted to. Didn't know grieving could be so complicated and with so much family drama. Then if that wasn't enough, my dear husband had a spell in the hospital with an inflammed pancreas. Sooo...I have been in "survival" mode mentally and physically. He is getting better and so far it is treatable, thank God. I found solace in all of your experiences in your blogs and really yearn for organization in my life. Hope I'm not sounding like a "downer", contrary, I am trying to stay uplifted and know that brighter skies are on the horizon. Thank you all for your prayers and support..Love each one and hope to share better, uplifting things with you soon. Really enjoy your comments and friendship. They keep me going.